Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sometime east of Broken Hill

A recent trip to Broken Hill and Lake Mungo reminded me of earlier journeys and times.

Sometime east of Broken Hill

On the cusp of future
And backward
Sand and space footprint
Time between toes
Waiting for the next flood.

Scratchings of love
Insult the ancient bark.
Cans, discarded arcs of rust
Carry memories of
Fishing and expeditions.

Hot days and cold stars.
In the smoke of change
Campfires glow
But the cold seeps from 

Stone circles and hands 
under overhangs.
Chippings by ghosts of ancestors
Gift a picture
To new arrivals.

I bus to a bony landscape.
Lakes of saltbush and skeletons.
Blown and exposed
Dusty and unforgivably

Another small step.
The past dragging
Like a blanket on my shoulders
wiping out my footprints.
A puff of dust marks my passing.

(c) Robert George Barnes
 25 August 2002

1 comment:

  1. Well some of those pics are definitely not from our trip. Wish we could've stayed at Lake Mungo for sunset too! :)
